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La république du centre


Tonight at 9.15 pm, Saturday at 5 pm and 9.15 pm and Sunday at 5 pm

The Art Pop' 37 group and the Pop' Music band "The Reflexion" will perform a "Pop' Spectacle" in the Maison de la Culture.

In a previous article, announcing the "Pop' Spectacle" programmed by the Maison de la Culture tonight (9.15pm), tomorrow (5pm and 9.15pm) and the day after tomorrow (5pm), we briefly recalled what an important "moment" in the history of art Pop' Art was, this artistic movement born 10 years ago between New York and Los Angeles.

Today we would like to introduce the participants of the Pop' Spectacle at the M.C.O.: the "Groupe d'Art Pop' 37" from Tours and the Pop' Music orchestra: "The Reflexion".

The group 37 exhibits, during three days, at the Maison Jeanne-d'Arc, some significant works of Pop' Art made by artists from Tours. One of its leaders, Pierre Valentiner, will talk to the public during each of the "Pop' Spectacles".

Born from the collective need of a few artists from Tours to communicate with the public, the Groupe 37, now an association for the promotion and expansion of art in the provinces, made its debut with an exhibition at the Galerie Sainte-Croix in Tours entitled: "Le petit salon d'art contemporain" (April 1967). The following artists took part in it: F. Aimelet, J. Lemerre, Mme M.-Y. Proniez, J. Sergeff, B. Stanis, P. Valentiner and P. Vitanyl, all painters, except J. Sergeff, a sculptor.

Its success was relative, but it was nevertheless encouraged by M. Chapu, curator of the Tours Museums.

The "Environs" exhibition, created in May 1969 at the Tours Municipal Library with a young writer, Ch. Le Bouil, was to allow the primitive group to blossom and to welcome new active members or sympathisers: P. Collandre, R. Saint-Louis, Y. Martineau, G. Frankhauser, R. Bréjeaud and the "Module" team.

Because of its structure, the exhibition offered a necessary confrontation with other groups or individuals from the various provincial cities invited.

Subsequently, Group 37 was present, by three of its members in June-July, at the salon of young painting: "Police and Culture" at the Museum of Modern Art of the city of Paris, then globally in October and November, as a guest at the Salon d'Automne in Lyon, under the title: "For a school of Tours".

At present, Group 37 is preparing the second Environs exhibition, which will take place from 8 to 23 May 1970.


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