"Revelation" is the theme of an exhibition organised by the Visual Arts Working Group of the Kulturwerkstatt Trier E. V. from next Friday until the end of the year at the Tuchfabrik Trier.
The exhibition deals with the awakening Christ consciousness in man. The participating painters are Harry Koch, Angelika Lauer and Herbert Lauer (each from Trier) as well as Armin Scheider (Siegen) and Peter Valentiner (Cologne). The exhibition opening will take place on Friday, 4 December, at 7 pm in the Tufa. The Tuchwerkstatt of the Tuchfabrik, directed by Regina Koch, will dance at the opening. The opening will be musically accompanied by the two concert guitarists Johannes Weber and Ralph Beckmann (Mainz).
Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays from 11 am to 5 pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 8 pm.
All those interested in art are cordially invited to the exhibition opening.