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Arts & Expos - Palluel and his artists

To celebrate the twenty-first anniversary of her gallery, Françoise Palluel is devoting the last quarter of the year to a selection of artists exhibited since 1973 (a hundred in all). And this in three parts, each lasting three weeks. More particularly focused on painters, the first one brings together Jean-Pierre Pincemin, Lionel Godart, Jean-Luc Guérin, Alain Jullien-Minguez, Tony Soulié and Peter Valentiner. The second will have as its theme, in the words of Françoise Palluel, "painting on the razor's edge", with René Faurer, Georges Noël, Arden Quin, René Guiffrey, Jacques Bosser, etc. And the third, which will give "priority to the material, thread, slate, paper..." will exhibit, among others, Jean-Pierre Bourquin, Denis Godefroy, Guido Zeffiri, Manfred Schling, Françoise Novarina, Lidia Syroka. Galerie Françoise Palluel, 91 rue Quincampoix, Paris 3e, until 4 November


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