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Discover press articles, books, documents, exhibitions and openings that talk about Peter Valentiner

Michel Fisson
Mar 31, 20020 min read

Jürgen Röhrig
Nov 14, 20012 min read
Works between vortices and vulnerable beings
Wolf and Valentiner were squeezed into one exhibition. Siegburg - When two artist friends create very contrasting works, one with an...

Von Günter Willscheid
Nov 7, 20012 min read
Sometimes the main actor, sometimes a grain of sand in the hurricane
Siegburg. Ceci n'est pas une pipe" (this is not a pipe) is what René Magritte wrote under a picture that clearly showed a pipe, and "Ceci...

Nov 7, 20012 min read
Two painters and two points of view
Siegburg - (asw) Two artists, two types, two points of view. Anyone visiting the exhibition at the Siegburg City Museum these days will...

Peter Valentiner
Oct 26, 20010 min read

Stadtmuseum Siegburg
Oct 26, 20012 min read
Stadtmuseum Siegburg - Ceci n'est pas une rétrospéctive
The two artists Walter Wolf and Peter Valentiner have been friends for many years. ln the exhibition "Ceci n'est pas une rétrospective"...

Oct 24, 20011 min read
Exhibition - "ceci n'est pas une retrospective"
"Ceci n'est pas une rétrospective", exhibition with works by Walter Wolf and Peter Valentiner (27 October to 2 December, Siegburg,...

Oct 24, 20011 min read
Wolf and Valentiner - Siegburg
Cologne artist friends Walter Wolf and Peter Valentiner explore the similarities between their different ways of working with an...

Jul 11, 20012 min read
This is not a retrospective
Browse the book They met in Trier in the mid-eighties: Peter Valentiner and Walter Wolf. At the time, one was working as a teacher at an...
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